3i-ICT grants for PhD students at CITIC (UDC)
3-i ICT (International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral Information and Communications Technology PhD Programme) is an innovative new international PhD programme, offering eight fellowship grants to Early-Stage Researchers (ESR), to carry out their PhD studies at the Centre for Information and Communications Technology Research (CITIC) of the University of A Coruña. There will be two international calls for candidates and contracts will have a duration of 36 months. The first call opened in April 1st 2022 and the deadline for applications is May 31st, 2022, 23:59 (CET). Among the PhD projects included in this first call there are three on Data Science and Engineering (two of them, very closely related to Mathematics and Statistics) and other four on Artificial Intelligence.
For more information and applications, please visit the programme website: https://3i-ict.citic.udc.es/
3-i ICT will run over 60 months and will provide ESRs with unique opportunities for basic and applied interdisciplinary research, training and career development. During this period, ESRs will acquire real experience and practice on interdisciplinary projects that bridge the gap between different fields of science.
The programme will include secondments in non-academic partner institutions in Spain and abroad and each thesis will have one supervisor from the field of ICT and one from a different academic discipline.
The project will enhance fellows’ career prospects by improving and diversifying their employability skills. They will come away with a PhD degree and comprehensive complementary training in research and transferable skills. This training will give them a solid competitive advantage in their future careers in both academic and non-academic sectors. 3-i ICT is a catalyst programme, designed to transform young, talented PhDs into the next generation of independent ICT research leaders at home and abroad by widening and developing their competences across a range of areas and experiences.
3-i ICT aims to foster diversity. Female ESRs are strongly encouraged to apply, as well as refugees and candidates with disabilities. 3-i ICT will set up a female mentoring programme to accompany female ESR recruits to advance in their careers.
This is the first programme granted to a Galician institution supported by the European Union through Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie agreement (H2020-MSCA-COFUND), that provides funding for regional, national and international programmes for training and career development, through co-funding mechanisms. 3-i ICT is co-funded by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade of the Xunta de Galicia.