Math-in trains your company’s technicians in the latest advances in mathematical technology thanks to the existing knowledge in research groups and the accumulated experience of projects carried out for the business sector. The offer involves advanced, specialized and in many cases exclusive training that is difficult to find on the market.

The training offer is designed to satisfy and fully adapt to the needs of the client. The teaching staff adapts the practical cases worked on in the course to the work environment of their technicians. Teaching can take place at the company’s facilities, the math-in network or at one of the universities that are part of the network. As for the teaching modalities, they include face-to-face, virtual, and online.

The experience in training with more than 150 clients who have already attended our courses endorse us.

Based on the content, we offer 2 types of training:

The specific training courses are activities designed by our members, they bring together the best specialists in their field.

The math-in network covers a wide range of training for companies and organizations on:

  • Mathematical modelling.
  • Numerical Simulation.
  • Optimization.
  • Data Science.
  • Decision Methods.
  • Systems Simulation.
  • Stochastic modelling.
  • And much more.

The research groups that are members of math-in are in charge of carrying out these training actions, aimed at expanding or updating knowledge. The duration and access requirements for this type of training is defined by the academic manager of the course.

This training, given by recognized specialists with extensive teaching, research and transfer experience, will be, at the request of the company or organization, virtual or (semi)-face-to-face or at the company or organization’s headquarters.

Therefore, if you want more information, do not hesitate to contact us through the following email:

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We can build big projects together!!

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(+34) 644 24 80 72