Weather and Climate Extremes and their Predictability CAFE Final Conference
27 27Europe/Madrid September 27Europe/Madrid 2022, 08:00 - 29 29Europe/Madrid September 29Europe/Madrid 2022, 20:30
This event will be held from 27-29 September 2022 in Barcelona, Spain.
The Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes (CAFE) project is pleased to announce the forthcoming CAFE Final Conference in Aula Magna, Casa Convalescencia, Hospital de Sant Pau.
Heat waves, cold surges, tropical and extratropical storms, flooding, and other climate extreme events have huge human and economic impacts. Understanding the processes that influence these events on the sub-seasonal time scale and contributing to their forecasting are the main goals of the Marie S. Curie Innovative Training Network CAFE project.
In the CAFE Final Conference scientists from different disciplines working on forecasting and extreme events (with an emphasis on the sub-seasonal time scale) will discuss the open problems and the most recent advances in the field, and will get in contact with stakeholders (weather/climate services, risk analysis consultants, insurance companies, final users…) to learn their needs and exchange relevant knowledge.
The conference is planned to be an in-person discussion and networking event but online attendance is also possible for the academic public.