This event is organized by the Spanish Mathematics-Industry Network (math-in) and the Spanish Platform for Modelling, Simulation and Optimization Technologies in a Digital Environment (PET MSO-ED)
math-in and PET MSO-ED Consortium
The Spanish Mathematics-Industry Network (math-in) was created as a private non-profit association on 30 September 2011 with the signing of its Articles of Incorporation in Santiago de Compostela.
The network is currently made up of around 30 research groups belonging to around twenty Spanish universities and research centres.
math-in focuses its activity on promoting and carrying out mathematical technology transfer to business and industry, thus promoting increased competitiveness of both the research groups involved and the industry itself.
math-in aims to provide solutions and transfer mathematical technology to the productive sectors of society, especially to companies and public administrations.
The Spanish Platform for Modelling, Simulation and Optimization Technologies in a Digital Environment (PET MSO-ED),, was created under the call for grants for Technological and Innovation Platforms, within the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to Challenges of the Society, in within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020 of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. PET MSO-ED is being funded within the 2020 Call with reference PTR2020-00163.
The platform has been promoted by the Spanish Network for Mathematics & Industry (math-in®). In addition, it was financially supported by the Mathematics-Industry Thematic Network (RTmath-in, RED2018-102514-T), funded by MCIU-AEI.
The main objective of PET MSO-ED is to promote and strengthen collaboration in R&D&I between the public and business sectors, taking advantage of the potential of mathematics to address the challenges posed in the industrial world and in society. The platform consists of 42 members, both from academia and industry/business. The aim of PET MSO-ED is to provide the Spanish research and industrial innovation community, both academic and business, with a comprehensive and well-coordinated infrastructure for all needs related to the application and development of Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization Technologies, applying the resources of Data Science in a Digital Environment. Achieving this goal is essential to support an efficient, safe, sustainable and competitive industrial fabric, especially in the sector of SMEs. To reach previous goal, the recent creation of MSO-ED HUB offers an open counter of modelling technologies, simulation, optimisation and data science for innovative companies and organisations from all industry.