Invitation letter
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to invite you to participate in the 139 European Study Group with Industry (139 ESGI) that will be held in Santiago de Compostela from 8 to 12 April 2019.
The success of the ESGIs lies in its unique format. The researchers gather in working groups to address and solve problems raised by the participant companies. Thanks to the cross-cutting nature of mathematics, these problems can come from any industrial sector.
In addition, this way of interacting allows companies to familiarize with the technological capabilities and working methods of the researchers from Industrial Mathematics, helping to establish lasting and productive working relations between mathematicians and industry.
Therefore, collaboration between industry experts and mathematical researchers is essential to successfully address technological innovation problems. The ESGIs contribute to the promotion of mathematical technology and to raise the awareness of the companies on the use of Mathematics to improve their processes.
That is why we would see you at this event, so that together we can make this study group a success that will help us to valorize Mathematics as another branch in the transfer of scientific knowledge to industry.
We hope to meet you at Santiago de Compostela.
Best regards,