Academic coordinators

 Javier Roca Pardiñas

Associate Professor of Statistics and Operations Research (UVIGO)

Affiliated researcher of ITMATI

Dr. Javier Roca Pardiñas is Associated Professor of the Department of Statistics and Operational Research of UVIGO. He is specialized in nonparametric nonpamaretric regression, and bootstrap inferences techniques with special emphasis on generalized additive models (GAM). Moreover, he is an expert in computational statistics, with important contributions to semiparametric prediction models. His research work generated more than forty publications in international journals of impact in different areas of knowledge such as statistics, computer science, environment, biomedicine, and engineering amongst others. He has also successfully performed as a member of four research projects funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation devoted to the development of basic and applied mathematical knowledge. He has been principal investigator on several projects with numerous companies and institutions.

Fernando Varas Mérida

Associate Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Mining Engineer (1991) and PhD Mining Engineer (1998) from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He is Associated Professor in the Area of Applied Mathematics since 2001 (first at the University of Vigo and later at the Polytechnic University of Madrid). He currently works on various lines related to fluid mechanics, numerical simulation and reduced order modeling. In most of these lines of work incorporates an important component of technology transfer to the productive sector.

Elena Martín Ortega

Associate professor of Fluid Mechanics (UVigo)

PhD in Aeronautical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2002). Her doctoral thesis, carried out in the program of Motopropulsion and Termofluiddynamics of the Higher Technical School of Aeronautical Engineers under the supervision of the professors José Manuel Vega and Carlos Martel and entitled “Interaction between Faraday waves and Medium Flows” received the extraordinary doctorate award of the UPM corresponding to the 2002/2003 academic year. In 2003 she won the international prize for young researchers “David Crighton Fellowship” of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) of the University of Cambridge (U.K.). From September 1999 onwards she works in the area of ​​Fluid Mechanics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Machines and Thermal Engines, Fluids and Aerospace of the University of Vigo, currently as a associate professor at the University. She has collaborated in several research contracts of regional, national and international scope with various companies and administrations and has been principal investigator of several research contracts. Her areas of interest are modeling, numerical simulation and experimentation of various thermo-fluid-dynamic processes, from analysis of manufacturing processes with thermal treatments to flows in micro-heat exchangers, among others.

Javier Martínez Torres

Associate Professor at  International University of La Rioja (UNIR)

Bsc Applied Mathematics (2006), Msc Engineering Mathematics (2009), Phd Environmental Engineering (2011) for which he received the extraordinary doctorate award. He is currently associate professor at UNIR. He is director of the Degree in Computational Mathematics and Coordinator of the Master in Mathematical Engineering. His research focuses on the techniques of Machine Learning, Functional Statistics and Image Processing. He has participated and coordinated several public and private financing projects.


Eva Balsa Canto

Permanent researcher at the (Bio)Process Engineering Group at the IIM-CSIC

Eva Balsa works as a permanent researcher at the (Bio)Process Engineering Group at the IIM-CSIC in Vigo, Spain. Her research interests focus on the development of methods and tools for the modeling, simulation and optimization of (bio)chemical processes or biological systems.

She received a M.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in 1996. In 1997, she started working at the IIM-CSIC (National Spanish Research Council) to develop a PhD thesis on efficient methods for the dynamic optimisation of distributed parameter processes. In 2001 she was awarded the PhD title from the University of Vigo and started two postdoctoral research stays at the International Centre of Numerical Methods in Engineering in Barcelona, for two years, and at the Dept. of Applied Mathematics II (University of Vigo), for one year and a half. After that she moved back to the IIM-CSIC as a post-doctoral researcher in the context of the EU funded project COSBICS (Computational Systems Biology of Cell Signalling). In 2007 she got a permanent researcher position as part of the (Bio)Process Engineering Group.