139 European Study Group with Industry
Initiated in Oxford in 1968, the European Study Groups with Industry (ESGI) bring together industrial scientists and academic mathematicians to work on problems affecting the industry. These Study Groups represent an internationally recognized method for technology and knowledge transfer between academic institutions and industry. The objectives pursued are:
- find solutions and bring new insights to existing industrial problems;
- establish lasting and productive working relations between mathematicians and industry;
- propose new lines of research based on business challenges;
- reinforce the importance of mathematics in industry and mathematical profiles companies; and
- stimulate greater awareness of the power of mathematics to provide solve real-world problems.
COST Action TD1409, Mathematics for Industry Network (MI-NET) co-organizes and co-funds this event. The ESGI is also co-funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness – State Research Agency with the nº of reference MTM2016-81745-REDT through the Thematic Network RTMath-in, granted within the call “Networks of Excellence” 2016, by the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University Planning of the Regional Government of Galicia through the Technological Network of Industrial Mathematics (TMATI Network), through the agreement that ITMATI has with this Regional Ministry, through the Strategic Network in Mathematics with the nº of reference MTM2016-81711-REDE and by ROMSOC project, financed by the EU within the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 765374.